ABOUT 株式会社グローバルアジアパートナーズについて



  • 1. 人の役に立つ


  • 2. 利益を創造する


  • 3.挑戦する


  • 4.助けあう


  • 5.成長する



会社名 株式会社グローバルアジアパートナーズ
本社所在地 〒167-0051 東京都杉並区荻窪5-18-9 杜ビル203
代表取締役 塚本 英二
TEL 03-5843-8740
FAX 050-3153-3084
E-mail info@globalasiapartners.com

Corporate Philosophy

  • 1. Contribution to society and the public

    Our business exists to make a contribution to people and society.

  • 2. Increase profits fairly

    Endeavor to enhance customers' satisfaction, and elevate profits as a result.
    Appreciate all customers and keep in mind that we create smiles for our customers.

  • 3. Risk taking is a worthy challenge

    Don't be afraid to take risks, but tackle with challenges and new difficulties by yourself.
    No pain, no gain.

  • 4.One for all, all for one

    Help each other all the times as one team. Seek when you need someone's help.
    When we cooperate together, we can achieve any goals.

  • 5.Grow as always

    Your continued growth is linked to our company's growth.

Corporate Profile

Company name Global Asia Partners Inc.
Address 203 Mori Bldg, 5-18-9 Ogikubo, Suginami-ku,Tokyo 167-0051 Japan
CEO Eiji Tsukamoto
TEL +81-3-5843-8740
E-mail info@globalasiapartners.com
  • JAPANESE(日本語)
  • ENGLISH(英語)